Understanding the Intricacies of Dark Green Diamonds

Dark green diamonds, with their deep and captivating hues, are among the rarest and most intriguing gemstones in the world. Their unique color, formed under specific geological conditions, sets them apart from other diamonds and makes them highly sought after by collectors and jewelry enthusiasts.

Formation and Color Origin

The distinctive green color in these diamonds is primarily due to natural radiation exposure over millions of years. Unlike other colored diamonds where the color comes from impurities, the green hue in dark green diamonds results from the diamond’s crystal lattice structure being altered by radiation. This process happens deep within the Earth’s crust, where the diamond interacts with radioactive minerals. The radiation displaces carbon atoms in the diamond, creating vacancies that absorb certain wavelengths of light, resulting in a green appearance.

Rarity and Value

Green diamonds, especially those with a dark and intense color, are extremely rare. This rarity significantly influences their value. The diamond industry classifies colored diamonds based on the intensity of their color, and for green diamonds, the range includes light, fancy, intense, and vivid. Dark green diamonds often fall into the intense or vivid categories, making them even more valuable.

Evaluating Quality

When evaluating Dark Green Diamonds, the four Cs—color, clarity, cut, and carat weight—are considered, much like with colorless diamonds. However, the emphasis on color is even more pronounced for green diamonds. The most prized dark green diamonds exhibit a uniform, deep color without noticeable zoning or patches of different hues.

Color: The primary factor is the depth and evenness of the green color. The most desirable stones have a pure green tone with no secondary hues like yellow or blue.

Clarity: While inclusions (internal flaws) can impact a diamond’s clarity grade, they are often less critical in dark green diamonds compared to their colorless counterparts, as the color can mask some inclusions.

Cut: A well-cut dark green diamond will maximize its color and brilliance. The cut should enhance the stone’s natural color, making it appear more vibrant.

Carat Weight: Larger dark green diamonds are exceptionally rare, and their price can increase exponentially with size, especially if the color remains intense.

Care and Maintenance

Like all diamonds, dark green diamonds are incredibly hard and durable, ranking a 10 on the Mohs scale of hardness. However, they still require proper care to maintain their brilliance and color. Regular cleaning with mild soapy water and a soft brush can help keep the diamond looking its best. It’s also advisable to avoid exposing the diamond to harsh chemicals or abrasive materials.


Dark green diamonds are a fascinating blend of beauty and rarity, formed under unique geological conditions that imbue them with their mesmerizing color. Their rarity, combined with the deep, rich hues, makes them a prized possession for collectors and a stunning centerpiece for any piece of jewelry. Understanding their formation, evaluation criteria, and proper care can help appreciate the true value and allure of these extraordinary gemstones.

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